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 Dinner With the Olson's.

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3 posters
Prairie Settler
Prairie Settler

Number of posts : 675
Location : Uk
Mood : Dinner With the Olson's. Confus10

Dinner With the Olson's. Empty
PostSubject: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. EmptyMon Jun 03, 2013 9:49 am

I wrote this story just for fun.
I tweaked the time line a bit so that they have baby grace but have only recently moved to plum creek.
I do not own any of the Little house characters I just did this for fun. No copyright intended.
I imaged all the characters places and houses like in the films.
Thanks for reading. Smile

Mary aged 14

Laura aged 12

Carrie aged 8

Grace aged 2

Dinner with the Olson's

The ingalls Had not lived Long on plum Creek. When ma said Oh Charles We are plan out of flour, Which means I cant make my apple pie tonight. After the Harsh Encounter Charles had had With Mrs Olson Last week about Credit to farmers pa had not wanted to go back to the store again. But he was beginning to realise that he would have too.
Pa Mary said, Nellie said at school today that Mrs Olson was going to see her sister for three days So you can go Whilst she is not there? Well I guess there is still time Before tea Pa said. Oh please pa can I come begged Laura. Well said pa slowly. There won't be any tea without flour ma said. Well I guess there's your answer Pa said. Come on Laura get your Bonnet on and get into the wagon. Thanks pa Laura said And hurried to get ready. Mary do you wish to come? Asked Pa Turning to Mary. No thank you Pa I will stay here and help Ma with Grace. May I go? Oh please please please begged Carrie.

Well it's getting awfully late Ma said. Oh let her come Caroline, Pa said it will do her good to get out. Okay Ma said that be back by 6 o'clock Please. Yes Ma said Laura and Carrie together. As the wagon drew closer to town Laura said oh Pa It is nice to be going into town and not to school. Laura smiled as Pa chuckled. As they arrive pa stopped the horses And Laura helped Carrie out off the wagon. They came near the steps Laura marvelled at the clean steps leading up to the store. They shined bright white next to the dusty dirt road.
As they entered the store MR Olson's smiling face Appeared from behind the counter. Carrie edged nearer to Laura and whispered in her ear. Is he magic? No Carrie Laura said he was just bending down behind the counter so we couldn't see him. I don't know grown ups liked to play hide and go seek Carrie whispered back. Laura opened her mouth to reply but Quickly shut it again as they had reached the counter. Well good evening folks said MR Olson what can I do for you? Well we need some flour and some sugar said Pa why surtnly said Mr Olson. May we have a look around Pa? Laura asked. Yes Laura you may buy please be careful. We will Laura said. Laura went over to the fabrics and just as she had started to look through them she Hurd a clip clip clip of shoes on the stares above her, she could just see Nellies dainty high heels and the bottom of her silk dress and all her Petticoats then down she came hair blond curls bouncing as she came she was sucking a candy stick as always. Well Well Well if it isn't Laura Ingalls getting her grubby hands all over are nice clean Fabric. Who's that asked Carrie edging closer to Laura. That said Laura Slowly but firmly. That is Nellie Olson. Carrie had not yet started school as Ma still thought that she was still to young so she did her lessons at home with Ma. Nellie wondered down and strolled up to Carrie and Laura. Well I'm surprised at you. What makes you so surprised Nellie said Laura. And then remembered that Pa was talking to Mr Olson and said of corse we can't afford this fabric now but maybe sometime later on. Nellie had a way of making her eyes big and powerful and and she was doing that now as she looked at them she also had a way of making herself look like she was towering Above you although she was not.
You country girls could never afford such nice fabric. Nellie Mr Olson's voice suddenly came from the counter. With that Nellie snatched the fabric and with a swish of her dress she turned on her heels and stomped up the stares. I'm sorry about that girls. But here's your sugar and flour Mr Ingalls your credit account should be all set up and I will just put it on your bill. Oh Pa said Laura we have an account? Yes Laura Mr Olson has kindly let us have one. Turning to go Mr Olson said Maybe as an apology for whats happend you would all like to come To tea on Friday? My wife will be home and it would be nice to get to know you all better. Laura thought that she didn't want to get to know Nellie any better then she already did but she didn't say anything. That would be lovely answered Pa thank you very Much Mr Olson. My Pleaser Said Mr Olson oh and please he added as Laura Carrie and Pa got to the door. Call me Nels. Sure said Pa call Charles said Pa. and they left.

As Friday came Laura woke up with a boring feeling in her. What was it? Oh yes they where going to the Olson's house for tea tonight. As Laura got ready for Breakfast she moped which was not like her.
Laura? Ma asked what is wrong?
Oh Ma Laura said we have to go to the Olson's for tea we have to be with Nellie and here annoying little brother willie. And Mrs Olson's so snooty and Mr Olson's the only nice one out of them. Laura Ma said in a voice that startled Laura. Don't let me here you Speak like that again. Now the Olson's have been very kind to invite us to tea and whatever you don't like about Nellie. Everything Laura Interrupted. Laura don't interrupt. Now what ever you don't like about Nellie I'm sure that you will find are all not that bad.
> Now willies only 10 he will learn that's only 2 years younger then Nellie. I wish I was older then Nellie then I could boss her and... Laura Ma said Sternly that's anoth please get ready for school. At school Nellie avoided Laura and Mary all day Mary Didn't notice and Laura was kind of glad. Then when they got home and chores where done then came the dreaded moment they had to leave for the Olson's.
Ma dressed Grace in a pretty white dress that suited her green eyes.
Carrie put on her Sunday blue dress with little flowers on which had been a hand-me-down from Laura.
Laura put on her red dress and put her best bonnet on even though she didn't feel like it.
Mary put on a lovely dress with a brown skirt and white top. Mary wore big girls dresses now. but Laura liked little girls dresses made all of the same fabric better.

When everyone was ready the left as the Wagon drew closer to the store Laura felt butterfly's in her tummy. Why Why Why? she said in her head. But before she could talk back to herself they had arrived. As the got out of the wagon Carrie hoped and jumped and seemed very excited Mary looked beautiful as always next to Her Laura felt fat and clumsy, But she tried hard to smile.

As they all followed around the back of the house Laura said but Pa. We are going to the Olson's. Laura's hart suddenly grew light, Had Pa chosen not to go to the Olson's oh how pleased she was, where were they going. with all these questions buzzing around in her head she almost didn't hear Ma say. "No Laura we will go in the door to there house, Not the store door the stores closed. Laura wished that she hadn't herd her but she had.

Mary why don't you knock on the door? Pa asked nicely.
Oh thank you Pa Mary said but just as she put her hand up to knock the door swung open and behind it stood...


Ah said Mrs Olson in a way that meant that she didn't like what she saw. She made a strange disgusted face which made Carrie giggle Mary Nudged her.

NELS Mrs Olson shouted in a whiny voice you company is here.
Mr Olson walked in from the kitchen and came to the door he had an apron on and looked hot.
Are company Harriet, Are company.

Do come in please said Mr Olson friendly.
Thank you very much said Ma.

As they went in Carries eyes nearly came out of her head. there was a red carpet on the floor and so many ornaments and there was a soft seat which was called an armchair and there was a long armchair too that could sit 3 all together.
There was red cloth which was pulled back to revel a dinning room the table was of beautiful oak and there where even more ornaments in that room there was a door which lead to the kitchen and then a door which lead out into the store and up to the top part of the house.

Its like a dream Carrie whispered to Ma More like a nightmare Laura said mostly to herself.

Do sit down said a voice from behind them it was Nellie's

As they sat down Nellie said oh do mind the Armchair it is very expenceve and you would have to sell your farm to mend it.

Ma tried to smile at Nellie but she was finding it very hard. Thank you for the word of warning Nellie. And promptly Laura walked over at sat in it. Nellie made her eyes large and cross and looked at Laura but Laura wouldn't let her catch her eye this made Nellie mad.

Laura INGALLS you GET OUT OF THAT armchair Nellie demanded. Just as Laura was about to say something MR Olson came in and said that tea was ready and would we sit up.

as they entered they saw that there was only 5 seats around the table. Nellie stoutly walked over at sat herself in on and Mrs Olson did the same with the other. Nels go and get the old chairs from the store for these farmers because they can't sit on the oak.
HARRIET said Mr Olson.

NELS said Mrs Olson in a slow frustrated voice. Just do it.

Now said Mrs Olson turning to Nellie. Wheres your brother?
He's in the outhouse said Nellie shortly.

Mrs Olson preceded to make tuting noses and muttered to her self.

Then MR Olson came in the the wood chairs. and they all sat down. As they sat down Baby Grace began to cry oh dear said Ma I am sorry Let me take her somewhere where she can't be herd.

Mr Olson opened his mouth kindly and started to say. It doesn't matter.
But Mrs Olson quickly interrupted And said crossly I should hope so.

Then the door opened and in hurried Willie he was a small little boy and rather fat for his age.
I Haven't missed any food have I? He asked hurriedly. No sweetheart
said Mrs Olson and played with Willies hair as he sat down

Willie said Mr Olson crossly as he brought in the last of the food. Aren't you even going to greet are guests?

But Willie had already started and with a mouthful of food he said Hi don't eat much food because I'm hungry.

Please help yourself Mr Olson said turning to Pa and the children. Thank you very much Pa said.

Why are you not eating Carrie? Laura asked about 5 minutes into the meal.

Nellie answered Laura's question for her Why the tiny country girl finds us rich peoples food far to rich maybe Mother we should get her some stale bread that would taste more like home cooking. Mr Olson gave Nellie a hard look.
NO Nellie said Carrie I'm not eating because No one said Grace.

Oh my said Mr Olson I am sorry Carrie. Please would you say it now?

Yes sir said Carrie.

"Lord Bless this Food.
Bless the Olson's and help Mrs Olson to realize That she is not the only lady in the world.
Help Willie to stop speaking with his mouth full.
Help Nellie to control her temper and her eyes.
And lastly help Mr Olson to cope with it all.


Amen blurted out Mrs Olson Amen child you get OUT of my HOUSE...

MOTHER Nellie shrieked as she ran off.

Charles came Caroline's sweet voice from the other room. Grace is finding it very hard to sleep maybe we had better go and get her to bed?

Yes We should said Pa come children I am so sorry Mr Olson.

HA HA Ha Oh its fine Charles honestly its fine.

HA HA Ha Good bye.

Hay does this mean I can eat everyone's food? Said Willie.

Oh Go on then said Mr Olson you may as well.

In the wagon on the way home Carrie said Pa? are you going to whip me?
No Carrie I'm not said Pa. You didn't realize what you where saying. Thank you Pa Carrie said. Your welcome said Pa.
But Caroline how did you know when to come in? I could here everything from the other room said Ma. I thought it wise to come in when I did. Caroline said Pa you are amazing. I know said Ma smugly.

That night as Laura got into bed she giggled. I think she said to herself I am glad we went and had dinner with the Olson's.

And she went strait to sleep.

The end.

Dinner With the Olson's. PhoebeKeeper

“It was a huge shock when it came and very excited“

This was the duchess of cambridges take on how she felt when William proposed during their official engagement interview with ITN reporter Tom Bradby. There was a real giggle at the end. Cute.
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Prairie Settler
Prairie Settler

Number of posts : 675
Location : Uk
Mood : Dinner With the Olson's. Confus10

Dinner With the Olson's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 2:28 pm

Some one please comment! HeeHee

Dinner With the Olson's. PhoebeKeeper

“It was a huge shock when it came and very excited“

This was the duchess of cambridges take on how she felt when William proposed during their official engagement interview with ITN reporter Tom Bradby. There was a real giggle at the end. Cute.
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"Psalm 34"
Dinner With the Olson's. Princesrank

Number of posts : 54428
Mood : Dinner With the Olson's. Happy010

Dinner With the Olson's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 2:42 pm

I'm just heading offline to start piano lessons (I teach), but I'll read it tonight! Dinner With the Olson's. 70708
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Nip it in the bud!
Nip it in the bud!

Number of posts : 62626
Location : Michigan
Mood : Dinner With the Olson's. Goodsi10

Dinner With the Olson's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 4:12 pm

Cute story! Dinner With the Olson's. 70708
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"Psalm 34"
Dinner With the Olson's. Princesrank

Number of posts : 54428
Mood : Dinner With the Olson's. Happy010

Dinner With the Olson's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. EmptyTue Jun 04, 2013 7:18 pm

Dinner With the Olson's. 702150 Very cute.
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Prairie Settler
Prairie Settler

Number of posts : 675
Location : Uk
Mood : Dinner With the Olson's. Confus10

Dinner With the Olson's. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 8:18 am

Thanks everyone! Smile

Dinner With the Olson's. PhoebeKeeper

“It was a huge shock when it came and very excited“

This was the duchess of cambridges take on how she felt when William proposed during their official engagement interview with ITN reporter Tom Bradby. There was a real giggle at the end. Cute.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner With the Olson's.   Dinner With the Olson's. Empty

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